March 25, 2022
P4 FIT Mid-Term Meeting in person in Groningen, The Netherlands, on 24.3.2022
The beneficiaries and the ESRs met each other in person for the first time in P4 FIT mid-term meeting in Groningen, the Netherlands. In addition, our Project Officer from the European Commission joined us online to discuss the rights and obligations of MSCA-ITN projects and the coordinator.
January 29, 2021
The P4 Fit network met again today for the 2nd KoM day of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-ITN project. Another very intensive, but very productive day. Thank you all members for the fantastic presentations and discussions. We are thrilled for such amazing group. Looking forward to the next steps.There will be 15 ESRs positions opening soon - stay tuned!
March 26-28, 2023
P4 FIT 2nd Annual Meeting
P4 FIT second annual meeting will be held 26-28 March 2023 in Keele, United Kingdom. The meeting is hosted by Keele University. The annual meeting will showcase the latest results of the project and allow the project partners to share information and strengthen the co-operation among the project consortia and the scientific community

November 5, 2021
P4 FIT Welcome Week organised on 2.-5.11.2021
P4 FIT network gathered together with all the 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) on virtual Welcome Week on November 2-5 2021. During the four days we spent together, we followed plenary lectures, had training activities for the ESRs and got to know each other on social events.

January 29, 2021
The P4 FIT CONSORTIUM KICK-OFF MEETING – PART I took place on January 22nd, 2021 at 10.00–14.00 (Helsinki time) via Zoom and was Chaired by Prof. Hélder Santos, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, and Scientific Coordinator of P4 FIT.

March 25, 2022
P4 FIT gathered for the 1st Annual meeting and Summer School
The first P4 FIT Annual Meeting and Summer School were organised in Paestum, Italy, on 8-10 June 2022. In the Annual Meeting we listened to plenary lectures and learned more about our ESRs’ projects and how they had proceeded during their first year. The Summer School was organised as an Innovation Forum.

May 20, 2021
P4 FIT meets with the Advisory Board (AB) on 20.5.2021
We met and presented today the recruitment process of the past months in the P4 FIT project ( The AB members attending the meeting were very impressive with everything they have seen so far. We thank them all for the time and all feedback given, and for being part of our network with an independent advisory role.

January 29, 2021
We are very thrilled to announce the P4 FIT Kick-off meeting tomorrow (22.1.2021). We very much look forward to start this project and work together with all beneficiaries and partner organizations.