Prof. Santos coordinates a large consortium on Tendon Regeneration of over 4 M€, aiming to train 15 new PhD students across Europe
We are so delighted to be part of this amazing project and be part of the training of a new generation of 15 Early Stage Researchers for the future.
Prof. Santos is so thrilled and honored to be coordinating the just accepted for funding project, P4 FIT (Perspectives For Future Innovation in Tendon Repair) at University of Helsinki (this is the first time UH gets such a grant as coordinator), together with our fantastic partners from University Teramo (Italy), University of Salermo (Italy), Keele University (UK), Medical University of Vienna (Austria), and Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg (Germany).
For more details, please see in here.
Thank you Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions for the support!
We will have more news later on - stay tuned!